Pure Silver Pitcher



Silver Pitcher

Solid pure silver 999/°°

2019, Italy

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The K-OVER Pitcher has been designed to enrich our tables for special occasions as well as for everyday life. This particular pitcher belongs to our Crocodile Collection and, like all our products, is entirely made from pure silver 999/°°.

Handcrafted by Marco Fedi, a master goldsmith from Florence, this pitcher showcases the exceptional techniques of spinning and chasing. The core value of this product lies in the innovative texture used to create its bright, eye-catching surface.

Using pure silver is a novelty, as most silverware is typically produced in sterling silver. Our choice is driven by three key reasons. Firstly, we aim to provide our customers with a highly valuable product. Secondly, pure silver is resistant to oxidation and easier to clean. Lastly, silver has natural antibacterial properties, making it safe for food and beverage use.

Experience the luxurious craftsmanship and elegance of the K-OVER Pitcher, an exquisite piece designed to enhance any table and occasion.

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